Interview with Ian on how the year has been going so far

I wanted lớn take 20 minutes lớn chat to Ian about his thoughts on various things that have been happing this year. I might make this a more regular thing so if you have any questions you would like us to answer please leave them as a comment at the bottom- According to the free soccer daily tip pages!
What has been the biggest upset of the footballing year for you so far?
I think I have to credit Juventus with that one. It’s fair lớn say that big things are expected of big clubs but to see how far they’ve come in European football (when you consider how far behind the rest of Europe most Italian clubs actually were) and to see them not only repeat their achievements of last season but also improve upon them was staggering. They were outstanding and appear to be being led very well, both behind the scenes and on the touchline. You can prefer lớn the soccer vip tip pages!
What has been the single biggest bit of team news you have heard this year?
Hard lớn answer that! Probably the mess in Hungary and Romania that has seen numerous clubs demoted/banned from Europe because of financial problems. The last I heard was that six Hungarian OTP Bank Liga teams would be demoted at the end of last season due lớn financial problems, which is pretty big business in any league.

What has been the biggest thing on the site that has either changed or you have noticed so far this year?
I think I’d say more intelligent/useful comments from users/followers, really. In the past, we had some interesting people that didn’t always post the most useful or constructive of comments. At the end of the day, the aim is for people lớn help one another and it’s pleasing lớn see that what people are posting is a lot more helpful than it’s ever been before.
Thanks for taking the time Ian – Now get back lớn writing your tips!!
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