Sợi nylon Cọ Sơn Bộ Nghệ Sĩ Màu Nước Acrylic Tranh Sơn Dầu Cung Cấp 12 Bộ-Quốc Tế + Follow
- Tay cầm Màu Sắc: Đen. Tóc Màu Sắc: Nâu. Tóc Chất Liệu: Nylon.
- Kích thước: 3/8, 1/4, 1/2, 5/0, 2 #, 4 #, 6 #, 8 #.
- Chiều dài: 17.5 ~ 20 cm/6.89-7.87 inch (xấp xỉ).
- Các ferrules được đôi cạp chéo và đảm bảo an toàn cho tay cầm nên không có ngọ nguậy.
This item is a set of 12pcs nylon hair brushes, which contains a variety of sizes and shapes: wash, Flat, angular, filbert, round, liner and many other shapes. They would not stray or spread while painting, brush hairs stay soft and flexible after cleaning. The ferrules are double crimped and secure to the handle so there is no wiggling and short wooden handles give you more control of the brush while painting.
- Handle Color: Black.
- Hair Color: Brown.
- Hair Material: Nylon.
- Size: 3/8, 1/4, 1/2, 5/0, 2#,4#, 6#, 8#.
- Length: 17.5~20cm/6.89-7.87 inch(approx) .
- The ferrules are double crimped and secure to the handle so there is no wiggling.
- Short wooden handles give you more control of the brush while painting.
- Brushes hold their shape and keep their spring after cleaning.
- To clean your brushes, just run them under warm water to wash out the paint and use your fingers to gently reshape brush hairs.
- This set contains a variety of sizes and shapes: Wash, Flat, Angular, Filbert, Round, Liner and many other shapes.
- Brand OEM
- Model Chaoshihui-J9164428GKXZS5147
- Warranty Type No Warranty
What’s in the box
- 12 x Nylon Hair Paint Brush Set Artist Watercolor Acrylic Oil Painting Supplies
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