- Máy sử dụng động cơ DC, công suất tối đa 3.0 HP,.
- Tải trọng tối đa người dùng là 110kg
- Dễ dàng lắp ráp và sử dụng
- Tốc độ tối đa 1 - 14km/h
- Kích thước vùng chạy :1200 x 420mm
- Động cơ bo mạch được sản xuất theo công nghệ hiện đại của Mỹ, độ bền cao & giúp tiết kiệm điện năng.
- Màn hình hiển thị hiện đại: Màn hình LCD 4.9 inch, hiển thị các thông số: thời gian, quãng đường, nhịp tim, calo tiêu thụ, chương trình luyện tập…giúp bạn kiểm soát dễ dàng các thông số này trong quá trình luyện tập.
- Loa nghe nhạc sống động: Qua jack 3.5và cổngUSB tăng sự hưng phấn trong quá trình luyện tập.
- Độ dốc: điều chỉnh bằng tay với độ dốc tối đa 5% và trải nghiệm những bài tập leo dốc đốt cháy calo hiệu quả.
- Hệ thống giảm sốc: phuộc nhún, đệm cao su và đệm khí giúp bảo vệ các khớp xương cũng như giảm độ ồn xuống sàn nhà.
Treadmills are an exercise machine that allows the user to walk or run in place. Most treadmills can be set to various uphill angles and will move at different speeds ranging from a slow walk to a full-out sprint. Treadmills provide an aerobic workout in the comfort of a home or gym.
Walking and running outside can be a hassle because of cold, heat, rain, snow, traffic, lack of daylight, poor running surfaces and the possibility of crime. Treadmills can be used while watching TV or reading, while dinner cooks or while supervising children. Having a treadmill conveniently located at home means owners are much more likely to exercise regularly than persons who have to travel to a gym. Treadmills are more likely to be used than other types of home exercise equipment because they require no skill to use- just walk or run- and can adjust to a very wide range of fitness levels.
Some treadmills will measure the heart rate of the individual through an attached monitor and will automatically adjust the intensity of the workout to keep the individual in the fat-burning zone. Treadmills that automatically keep individuals in the fat-burning zone simply ask for the age to be entered and they do all of the math by themselves. Working in the fat-burning zone will burn about 400 calories per hour on a treadmill. Running for an hour three times a week in the fat-burning zone will burn off about a pound of fat in three weeks.
Interval training is used both for weight loss and conditioning. Interval training burns off more fat per hour than running at a steady speed, builds muscle and improves cardiovascular conditioning overall better than running at a steady speed. Interval training is also less likely to lead to injuries. Exercisers report feeling less bored during interval training than during steady running- the constant change-up of pace can be entertaining. Many treadmills come with automatic “interval training” programs built in, where the machine increases the speed and/or the incline during the intervals and then automatically returns to the base running mode. Performing a 40-minute interval training program three times a week will burn off about a pound of fat in three weeks.
For home use, consider how much treadmill is really needed. A treadmill used by one person to perform low intensity workouts doesn’t need to be anywhere near as powerful and sturdy as a treadmill used by multiple people to perform high-intensity workouts. Of course the more powerful and fancy the machine the more expensive it will be. The available space for a treadmill should also be considered. If space is limited, a treadmill that can be folded up for storage is a good idea.
The motor should have at least 2.25 horsepower. The belt should be at least 50″ long and wide enough for the user to be comfortable. A very large person simply won’t fit on a narrow treadmill. Cushioning on the belt will reduce the shock on the joints. It’s best if the machine can be tested before purchase. Consider how noisy the machine is- a very noisy machine will drown out the TV and may trigger complaints from the neighbors.
For better workouts, make sure the machine can provide a 12% or greater incline and reach speeds of at least 12 mph. Most machines come with an assortment of basic built-in workouts. Really fancy built-in computer systems that track workouts and build customized workouts can be fun but are not really necessary. There are some totally mechanical treadmills for sale, but in general a motorized treadmill is a far better purchase. Mechanical treadmills are more difficult to incorporate into an exercise program and, while cheaper to buy, are more difficult to use. Exercisers are far more likely to continue using motorized treadmills with built-in workouts while the cheaper mechanical device ends up being used as a clothes-hanger.

- Brand BG
- Model B&G F18
- Warranty Type Warranty Paper and Invoice
- Warranty Period 12 Months
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