- tăng cường mạnh bộ rễ, kích thích ra rễ , dùng chiết ghépcây
- Nâng cao sức đề kháng với cây trồng
- Thành phần: Vitamin B1, NPK và các nguyên tố trung vi lượng cần thiết cho sự phát triển của cây
- Lưu ý: Công thức đậm đặc nên cần pha ĐÚNG LIỀU
- Phân bón HVP B1 có 2 loại bao bì như hình (chất lượng không đổi)
strong roots, rooting stimulation, tree extractionImprove resistance to cropsIngredients: Vitamin B1, NPK and micro elements are essential for the development of plantsNote: Concentrated formula should be DUE
Introduction of Vitamin B1 products - rooting formula
Dosage: For orchids: 10ml for 8 liters of water, spray all over the top and bottom of the leaves, spray on the roots and substrate. Spray every 5-7 days. With caaykhacs: 8-10ml / 8 liter water. Spray every 15 days The root system is considered the most important organ; in addition to the function of absorbing nutrients; It also has the function of keeping the tree fixed; not hit. Vitamin B1 produces good roots with many chewy roots, many silkworms help the plant absorb a lot of nutrients. Many shoots, large buds, strong leaves, strong photosynthesis, accumulation of nutrients to form many flowers. Plants strengthen, increase resistance, fight against pests Vitamin B1 stimulates rooting; tree nursing; anti-shock; Hormone stimulates the root, helps the tree to grow all roots of leaf buds. Helping the hardwood trees prepare for the flowering stage.
- Brand HVPE
- Model kích rễ cây trồng
What’s in the boxb1 hvp 250ml
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