Fitness Direct Foam Roller Trigger Point Textured Massage Yoga Grid Blue (Intl) gia re 24h

Fitness Direct Foam Roller Trigger Point Textured Massage Yoga Grid Blue (Intl) gia re 24h

Fitness Direct Foam Roller Trigger Point Textured Massage Yoga Grid Blue (Intl)
Fitness Direct Foam Roller Trigger Point Textured Massage Yoga Grid Blue (Intl)
269 Xem
413,000 đ 413000



    • Loại bỏ căng thẳng cơ bắp
    • Chống thấm nước
    • Kích thước: 34x14 cm
    • Chất liệu: EVA

    100% Brand New!!!
    Material: EVA
    Surface: Grid Trigger Point
    Color: Blue
    Quantity: 1 pc
    Size: 34x14cm / 13'' x 5''

    - Made of EVA foam,Lightweight,soft to touch,rich elastic buffer,surface With Massage Grid Trigger Point.
    - Waterproof,anti-slip,non-toxic,tasteless,odourless.
    - The most popular pilates/yoga trainers, can also do children's sporting goods,swim rod.
    - Yoga column can help yoga practitioners to finish the balancing act.
    - Can eliminate muscle tension, and strengthen the core muscle strength and flexibility, stretching the muscles
    and tendons,lipid-lowering toning.
    - Also can break up the soft tissue adhesions and scar tissue,Self-massage and myofascial release, break
    trigger points, relieve tension fascia while increasing blood flow and circulation of the soft tissue.

    (1).After the warm-up exercises to do yoga column.
    (2).The site of the soft tissue on the bottom of the column you want to relax.
    (3).Gently roll the column body, the muscles need to be trained to train.
    (4).The column moved slowly from the center to the extremities of the body.
    (5).If you find body parts in the column pain,maintaining that part of the action until relax.
    (6).Note tight little movement or parts.
    (7).Rolling several times in every part of the shaft, until you feel relaxed. Sometimes there may be some
    (8).Ensure that the shaft in the soft tissue area, rather than directly on the bone or articular.
    (9).The first time the use of the foam roller is shorter, 15 minutes is sufficient.
    (10).At the beginning, after a period of time to rest for a while exercising.
    (11).After the workout drink plenty of water, just as the same after a body massage.
    (12).If desired, a few weeks after the training time can be increased.

    How to use:
    1.Exercise your hamstrings (the large tendon), first sitting on the rolls, the soft parts of the hips sit directly on
    top roller. Slowly rolling back and forth, relax tight muscles
    2.Unleash your quadriceps is one of the simplest methods of foam roller exercises. Maintain a balance with
    both hands, lying on top of the shaft, the front part of the thigh workout from the hip to the knee.
    3.Use yoga stick on the IT band may be painful, but many people find it is a very effective stretching
    exercises.With the body lying on the side of the shaft, the shaft is located in the foam part of the hip look.
    If you want to add more pressure should be maintained in the upper and lower legs in a straight
    line.Alternatively,to reduce the weight of the bending leg axis in the foam and maintain a better balance.
    Support with both hands, push the knees from the hip direction foam roller, tension or pain at the site of what
    stays, repeat other side of the practice.
    4.The yoga shaft located in the small calf, with the support of the hand, and slowly roll axis from the knee to the
    ankle, while staying in tight or sore. Promote the launch of the shaft with their feet, keeping the toes bent,
    focusing on the entire muscle group exercises. Increased by one leg or both legs or by reducing the pressure,
    or a leg up to increase the pressure on the other leg.
    5.Will be placed below the shoulder blade to the shaft of yoga massage and relax the muscles of the back,
    hands on your head and keep your knees bent, feet flat on the floor.
    With both feet to control movement and pressure, the head of the yoga axial rolling in the painful area to stay for
    a while, then go back to the back of the central axis, repeat the above action.
    6.Another point of muscle tension is under the shoulders, back and armpits, a lot of muscle contraction in this
    area from the back because they are connected to the upper shoulder blade muscles. Use foam roller exercises
    lats and triceps, while lying on the side of the body axis of the bubble,the bubble-axis positioning his arm in the
    armpit (the base of the shoulder blade).
    The axial direction toward the armpit,staying in pain at the moment,return and repeat.
    This training can accurately find the need to exercise exercises muscles,take the time to do it very slowly.

    • Brand OEM
    • SKU OE680SPAA16SVHVNAMZ-1758911
    • Model Freebang-POA190554

    What’s in the box

    • 1 x 34cm EVA Yoga Foam Roller

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