- Cai thuốc lá, thuốc lào, làm sạch miệng, chống hôi miệng, kháng viêm, chắc răng.
- Dù nghiện 30 40 năm vẫn cai được hoàn toàn
- KHÔNG độc hại với cơ thể, hoàn toàn từ các loại thảo dược thiên nhiên quý hiếm.
- KHÔNG phải lo lắng, đã có hàng nghìn người nghiện trên khắp cả nước đã sử dụng và 100% đã CAI NGHIỆN HOÀN TOÀN.
- THÀNH PHẦN THUỐC:Tơm trơng, Bồ công anh, Kim ngân hoa, Cúc hoa, Cam thảo, Đại hồi, Quế nhục.
- Đây đều là các thảo dược an toàn với sức khỏe người sử dụng, đã được kiểm nghiệm bởi Trung tâm kỹ thuật tiêu chuẩn đo lường chất lượng 1 thuộc Tổng Cục tiêu chuẩn Đo lường chất lượng.
People who quit smoking are hungry, craving because the body is accustomed to high levels of nicotine. However, the extreme appetite for this drug usually lasts only 1-5 minutes. So, do something (rinse your mouth with Shui Sayu's mouthwash, or do the movements like drinking water, doing deep breathing) until it passes.
Master Nguyen Tuan Lam, tobacco prevention program officer, said quitting smoking is not easy; But many people will be determined if they know the benefits of it; And this benefit comes very quickly after stop smoking. For example, after only 20 minutes after quitting, blood pressure and pulse return to normal, the temperature of the limbs rises to normal. After 8 hours, the levels of CO and O2 in the blood also return to their ideal state.
After one day of stopping smoking, the risk of heart attack begins to decrease. After two days, the nerve endings began to recover, the ability to smell and taste improved. After 2 weeks to 3 months, blood circulation will be better, people quit walking easier; Lung function improved, up to 30%. From 1 to 9 months, coughing, stuffy nose and shortness of breath will decrease, the hairs grow back in the lungs, helping to keep the mucus and mucus to decrease.
Simple withdrawal method + complementary effective safety of drug + determination of the withdrawal.
From the beginning of drug treatment, drug users must quit smoking, absolutely not smoking a cigarette during drug treatment. Every time you crave for cigarettes, just rinse your mouth with cravat, the cravings will pass through and be controlled within 3-4 hours (depending on the timing of the craving will vary). Keep doing this for the rest of the day and the next few days.
This method eliminates the habit of holding a cigarette in your hand, and helps addicts change their behavior. Unlike nicotine replacement therapy, this method of withdrawal has a higher success rate and shorter duration of withdrawal => reduced long-term fatigue.
However, this method should be more effort effort of the body itself, they need to persevere, drug use regularly, every time cravings instead of smoking need to rinse immediately to cut down Cravings at that time. Therefore, the drug must be taken with you whenever you go out.
Although it is traditional herbal remedies, the effect of the drug has spread very fast on social network in Vietnam and receive the response of users.
It is thanks to the pungent concentration of the drug that after the mouth rinse cravings will be inhibited in 3-4 hours. Herbal ingredients such as: Strawberry, Kim Ngan Hoa, Chrysanthemum, Cam Thao, Dai Hui ... help remove nicotine, yellow stains caused by long smoking in the oral cavity, cigarette.
It also helps your throat run out of sputum, clean your mouth. Your palate when taking cialis will always rejuvenate the aroma of herbs to help suppress long-lasting cravings. Repeat mouth rinsing will make the addict no longer crave for the day. And after 5 to 7 days, the addict will return to the state of no longer craving to hear the smell of cigarettes and cure cigarettes gently.
*** Note: the effect of the product may vary according to each person.
- Brand None
- SKU NO007HBAA379HRVNAMZ-5592297
- Model cai thuoc la
- Warranty Type No Warranty
What’s in the box2 chai x 200ml
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